Thursday, June 18, 2009


I was reading things that I wrote a few years ago and stumbled upon an article for the NYT. The author is the Brazilian movie director Walter Moreira Salles (from Central do Brasil and Motorcycle Diaries among others – and he’s also one of the coolest Brazilians ever and he’s gorgeous).

Ans then it hit me: this blog will be a road-blog. I quote Waltinho (as he is known in Brazil) talking about road movies:

“Because road movies need to trace the internal transformation of their characters, the films are not about what can be seen or verbalized but about what can be felt — about the invisible that complements the visible. In this sense, road movies contrast starkly with today’s mainstream films, in which new actions are created every three minutes to grab the attention of the viewer. In road movies, a moment of silence is generally more important than the most dramatic action.”

There will be little action – but I hope all the information (both at academic and personal levels) I have gathered the first year at MPA/ID will start to make sense.

1 comment:

Helena G. said...

I like the idea of the road blog. As you know the most important things are usually left unsaid...

Te mando muchos besos,